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The Danish producers, industry and organisations join to improve the organic production

Organic pig producers, abattoirs and organisations related to animal welfare have signed a new agreement that will further improve the pigs’ welfare and their environmental impact. This agreement sets more requisites and regulations and will give place to an E-brand that will come into force in January 1st 2018.

1 June 2017

Økologisk Landsforening, Landbrug & Fødevarer Økologi, Dyrenes Beskyttelse, Friland A/S, Organic Pork and Tican Fresh Meat A/S signed the commercial agreement for the organic pig production in Denmark.  This agreement replaces the previous one (dated 2009), it includes a series of requirements that go further, and it complements the EU organic regulations.

The agreement foresees, among other requisites, a 100% organic feeding and that the animals are born on organic farms.

Regarding animal welfare, the agreement includes the requirements for the planting of trees on the farms where sows and piglets live. These trees, apart from casting a shadow on the pigs, also represent an environmental and a climatic advantage. There are also a series of animal welfare requisites for the pens built or improved as of January 1st 2018.

Wednesday, 24 May 2017/ Landbrug & Fødevarer/ Denmark.

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