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Denmark intensifies animal welfare for pigs

The increase in fines to pig farms has made the Minister announce an increase in controls in 2019.

12 November 2018

The controls on animal health carried out on Danish pig farms have given rise to a great number of fines. Faced with this situation, the Minister of the Environment and Food, Mr Jakob Ellemann-Jensen, has announced that as of 2019 there will be more controls.

According to the annual report on animal welfare, 40% of the verified pig producers did not fulfil the regulations. This entails an increase in comparison with 2016, where 33% of the farms did not fulfil the regulations.

The areas that have caused the greatest number of fines are:

1. Ill/injured animals that do not receive appropriate care/treatment.

2. Animals that do not have a permanent access to materials for rooting.

3. Lack of registers or mistakes in the veterinary treatments registers.

Friday, November 2nd, 2018/ Fodevareministeriet/ Denmark.

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