
Denmark leaders in the fight for antibiotics management

Danish Minister for Health and minister of Food have agreed to make the fight against antibiotic resistance one of their top priorities when Denmark takes over EU presidency.
3 May 2011
Danish Minister for Health and minister of Food have agreed to make the fight against antibiotic resistance one of their top priorities when Denmark takes over EU presidency.

“Both in the European and global level there is increasing consumption of antibiotics within humans and animals, and in Denmark there are complex resistance problems which have also begun to emerge,” said Interior and Health Minister Bertel Haarder .

“Antibiotic resistance will not stop at the end of the land’s border, especially because we travel more and more with foods across countries. Therefore, antibiotic resistance is a common problem,” he said.

Along with the food minister, he will work for a common European surveillance of antibiotic consumption, said the Food Ministry.

Another goal is to reduce consumption of antibiotics in humans and animals, especially the critical antibiotics. The critical antibiotics are the types that are particularly important in the treatment of a number of serious infectious diseases

A number of initiatives - most recently, the introduction of the so-called Yellow Card scheme in agriculture - have contributed to Denmark - as seen in international perspective – having a relatively low consumption of antibiotics in the stables and a low development of resistance to antibiotics. This benefits the farmers and veterinarians according to the Minister.


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