The Danes think about animal welfare when they stand in the supermarket and shop for food. This is shown by a study with a focus on the State Animal Welfare Label, which YouGov has prepared for the Danish Veterinary and Food Administration.
The study shows that approximately seven out of ten Danes are aware of the State Animal Welfare Label "Bedre Dyrewelfærd" and the majority of those who are aware of the label also trust it. Among families with children, 80% are aware of the label.

The State Animal Welfare Label aims to create better animal welfare for more Danish pigs, chickens, and cows. The animal welfare label indicates the level of animal welfare in meat and dairy products in an easy and clear way so that consumers become aware of how they can contribute to better animal welfare.
The study also indicates that approximately seven out of ten Danes pay attention to animal welfare when they stand in the supermarket and buy food. Interest in animal welfare in the purchasing situation is generally stable compared to 2021.
June 15, 2023/ Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Fisheries/ Denmark.