According to the annual DANMAP report from Statens Serum Institut and the National Food Institute, in 2013 the total use of antimicrobials in livestock and pets in Denmark was 4% higher than the previous year when measured in kilograms. The increased consumption is mainly attributed to a 6% increase in the consumption of antimicrobials in pig production, which accounts for about 84% of meat production in Denmark. But the consumption in poultry and pets has also increased.
Distributed by species, pigs account for around 78% of antimicrobial use in 2013, cattle 10%, aquaculture 3%, poultry 1%, fur animals 4%, and pets, horses and other companion animals the remaining 3%.

Increased use in pigs
Antimicrobial consumption in pigs measured in doses has increased in all three age groups: sows / piglets (9%), weaners (5%) and finishers (5%). This is primarily due to an increased consumption of pleuromutilins and tetracyclines, which are used for group medication. However, the consumption in pigs is still 12% lower than in 2009, when the highest consumption was recorded since Danish farmers stopped using antimicrobial growth promoters.
Continued low consumption of critically important antimicrobials
Consumption of critically important antimicrobials in animal production is still low. For a second consecutive year, the use of fluoroquinolones in pigs was very low in 2013 at less than 1 per mille of the total consumption in pigs. The use of 3 kilos of cephalosporins in pig production is also low. However, it does represent a significant increase compared to the year before when total consumption of cephalosporins was 1 kilo.
Thursday October 9, 2014/ DANMAP/ Denmark.