The latest census data indicates that the number of pigs in Denmark is more or less unchanged on the year with fewer sows but more finishers.
The Danish statistics agency has published the results of its pig count carried out on 1 July, 2011. It shows a rise in the overall pig population of 0.2%, i.e. largely the same as last year. The results reflect a rise in the number of finishers, a slight fall in the piglet count and a more significant decline in the number of sows.

The number of pregnant sows is down by 3.5% on the year. The number of gilts or younger female pigs yet to produce their first litter has fallen by 5.0% whereas the number of young sows is as much as 10.3% below last year’s level.
The number of pigs has not fallen in line with the sow count: this reflects an increase in productivity which is down to the skills of the producers. Good management and genetics also play a part.
Danish Agriculture & Food Council (DAFC)