All holdings that send pigs for slaughter (sows, boars, or fattening pigs) must prepare a statement on whether there are clinical signs of PRRS on the holding if there is a positive or unclear PRRS health status or a remediation status. The declaration, which must be signed by both the owner and the practicing veterinarian, is valid for up to 35 days and must be available on the farm.
The requirement for a clinical declaration applies in those herds where the Danish Veterinary and Food Administration has assigned a status of positive or unclear PRRS health status or a remediation status. It was planned that all farms should have been assigned public PRRS health status by October 1, 2023. However, not everyone who has submitted an application for this has had their application for PRRS status completed - just as some still need to submit a request to obtain the legally required status for PRRS.

In the coming months, the companies will continuously be awarded a PRRS health status by the Danish Veterinary and Food Administration, and the requirement for a clinical declaration will immediately apply from the date of award.
October 5, 2023/ Agriculture and Food Sector for Pigs/ Denmark.