The government and the parties in the green tripartite agreed on the restructuring and conversion of Denmark's agricultural production. The aim is to reduce the sector's emissions of greenhouse gases and contribute to achieving Denmark's 2030 climate goals, ensuring better conditions for nature, biodiversity, the aquatic environment, and drinking water.
The parties agree that a CO2 tax must be introduced on emissions from livestock. Danish livestock farmers will have to pay 300 kroner (approximately 40 euros) per ton of CO2 equivalent starting in 2030. The tax will then rise to 750 kroner (100 euros) in 2035. There will be deductions of 60% thus the effective tax will amount to 120 kroner per ton of CO2 and then 300 kroner per ton in 2035.

Overall, the efforts in the agreement are estimated to reduce Danish emissions by 1.8 million tonnes of CO2 equivalent in 2030.
June 24, 2024/ Ministry of Economy/ Denmark.