According to the data published by the GPP, provided by the INE as preliminary data, during the first half of 2019 the number of heads slaughtered has dropped by 0.7%, with a total of 2,625,760 animals vs. 2,645,372 in 2018.
These figures are itemised as follows: 2,035,884 fattening pigs (-3.2%); 575,188 piglets (+9.5%) and 14,688 breeders (-10.7%).
The slaughter weights remained stable, with a slight decrease by 0.1% in the fattening pigs (173,203 tonnes in 2019 vs. 173,387 tonnes in 2018), an increase by 9% in the piglets’ weight, and a decrease by 8.5% in the breeders’ weight.
Regarding trade between January and June 2019, and in comparison with the same period in 2018, the imports of pigs to be slaughtered dropped by 15.2% (511,025 heads in 2019 vs. 602,662 heads in 2018), whilst the Portuguese exports of pigs to be slaughtered grew by 19.8% (100,779 heads in 2018 vs. 120,774 heads in 2019).
Monday, August 19th, 2019/ GPP Suínos News no. 33/ Portugal.