The National Food Institute, part of the Technical University of Denmark, and LEI Wageningen UR made an analysis of the antibiotic use in pigs in Denmark and The Netherlands. The analysis shows that in 2012, The Netherlands used approximately 20% less antibiotics in pigs than Denmark. For several years now, Denmark is known for its low veterinary antibiotic use.
However, the overall average sales of antibiotics will still be higher in The Netherlands than in Denmark (EMA report, 15 October 2013), mainly as a result of the large veal calf production in The Netherlands. In 2010, the Dutch veal calf sector accounted for 40% of the total national sales of veterinary antibiotics (Preventive Veterinary Medicine, 1 January 2013). Denmark has a relatively small veal production.
Wednesday November 13, 2013/ LEI-Wageningen UR/ Netherlands.