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The Netherlands: Voluntary cessation schemes for livestock farming extended with more funding

With this budget increase, the government assumes there are sufficient funds to honor all approved applications.

12 April 2024

The budget for both the National Termination Scheme for Livestock Farming Locations (Lbv) and the Lbv-plus will increase by nearly € 1.45 billion. The voluntary termination scheme for the peak load approach, the Lbv-plus, will also be extended until December 20, 2024. The European Commission has approved proposals from the Netherlands to this end.

There is great interest in both the Lbv and the Lbv-plus, with over 1,300 applications. The government wants every entrepreneur who has taken the drastic decision to apply for a termination scheme (and meets the conditions) to be able to participate in the scheme. The government is therefore increasing the budget for the Lbv to € 1.102 billion, and a total of € 1.820 billion will be available for the Lbv-plus. With this budget increase, the government assumes there are sufficient funds to honor all approved applications.

The Lbv-plus scheme was originally open until April 5. As soon as the amended scheme comes into effect, the Lbv-plus will be open again retroactively and under the same conditions, until December 20, 2024. Applications submitted from April 6 are now being processed again by the RVO. The Lbv plus scheme is and remains a one-off.

April 8, 2024/ Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality/ The Netherlands.

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