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European Commission recognises Sardinia and Sweden as free of ASF

After 40 years, Sardinia has been recognised as free from African swine fever.

26 September 2024

The European Commission has officially recognised Sardinia and Sweden as free from African Swine Fever (ASF), through a revision of the EU regionalisation scheme.

For Sardinia, this marks the end of an outbreak of ASF genotype I, that first began in 1978. The successful elimination of the disease has been achieved by a strict eradication and control programme, supported by the EU and led by a team of national and regional experts. Actions notably included enhanced surveillance in wild boars and domestic pigs coupled with biosecurity, as well as training of operators such as breeders and hunters.

In Sweden, the ‘ASF-free' has been granted a year after the disease was first detected in a dead wild boar in Västmanland county. This achievement is due to Swedish authorities' swift implementation of measures to control and eradicate the disease adapted based on the recommendations of the EU Veterinary Emergency Team (EUVET). No new cases have been reported in Sweden since the short epidemic in August-September of last year.

24 September 2024/ EC/ European Union.

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