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EESC issues an opinion on animal transport

The European Economic and Social Committee has issued an opinion on the proposal for an EP and Council regulation on the protection of animals during transport.

11 June 2024

The European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) adopted an opinion, with 167 votes in favor, 5 against, and 6 abstentions, presented by Jaume Bernis, on the revision of animal welfare legislation “Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on the protection of animals during transport and related operations, amending Council Regulation (EC) No. 1255/97 and repealing Council Regulation (EC) No. 1/2005”.

Among the approved aspects, it should be noted that the EESC:

  • understands that legislation unable to adapt to the varied circumstances in the 27 Member States will open the door to asymmetrical situations;
  • calls on the Commission to ensure that the implementation costs of this regulation are not borne by stakeholders in the sector;
  • emphasizes that the provisions laid down in the proposal for a regulation require operators to work night shifts (especially farmers, drivers, and veterinarians). The EESC warns of the dangers for workers of having to work night shifts;
  • warns about the possible repercussions of limiting, with short trips of less than nine hours, the land transport of animals for slaughter, excluding domestic fowl and rabbits. Given the concentration of slaughterhouses in the European Union, some farmers in certain countries could lose access to certain slaughter facilities;
  • considers that new proposed technical standards on the fitness for transport of terrestrial animals could lead to the closure of many livestock farms;
  • calls on the Commission to consider the climate-related characteristics of each Member State;
  • maintains that it is essential to promote short supply chains as an effective solution for reducing the need for long journeys.

May 30, 2024/ EESC/ European Union.

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