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EFSA goes Spanish

EFSA’s website is now available in Spanish, one of the most widely spoken languages in the world.

18 March 2020

The launch of a Spanish version of the website marks the beginning of the gradual introduction of full EU-24 multilingualism to EFSA’s communications.

In addition to the 46 million citizens of Spain, there are around 400 million Spanish native speakers in the word. After Mandarin Chinese, Hindustani and English, Spanish is the most widely spoken language in the world.

As well as broadening the reach of EFSA’s communications, the addition of Spanish is also a response to the new European Transparency Regulation, which emphasises the need for EFSA and other EU bodies to be as clear and accessible as possible when communicating with the general public.

March 13, 2020/ EFSA/ European Union.

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