Nearly 100 participants from EU institutions, Member States, industry and non-governmental organisations (NGOs) met with scientific experts to discuss the identification of indicators and procedures to monitor animal welfare at slaughterhouses. At the meeting on 30 January, EFSA presented its work in this field and facilitated the exchange of information and experience among scientists and stakeholders. EFSA’s Panel on Animal Health and Welfare Panel (AHAW) will consider information gathered at the meeting in preparing four scientific opinions to be published by end of 2013.
According to new EU legislation on animal welfare at slaughterhouses, business operators must carry out regular checks to ensure that animals do not present any signs of consciousness after stunning and before death.

As requested by the European Commission, the AHAW Panel will identify a set of science-based animal welfare indicators and sampling protocols to assess the effectiveness of stunning and slaughtering processes.
Input from the meeting will help inform the preparation of four scientific opinions on procedures to monitor animal welfare at slaughterhouses focussing on bovines, pigs, chickens and turkeys, sheep and goats. EFSA will also systematically review the scientific literature and seek the contribution and views of experts and stakeholders through an online public consultation in summer 2013.
Wednesday 30 January 2013/ EFSA/ European Union.