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EFSA: New rules on transparency and sustainability

The regulation will strengthen the reliability and transparency of the scientific studies submitted to EFSA and reinforce the governance of the Authority to ensure its long-term sustainability.

29 March 2021

A new regulation passed by the European Parliament and Council of the EU will bolster the Authority’s ability to carry out its risk assessments in accordance with the highest transparency standards.

Among other initiatives to support implementation of the regulation, EFSA has rolled out new tools and a dedicated web portal to help stakeholders adapt to the new arrangements. The new portal will be live from 30 March.

What is the Transparency Regulation?

The regulation was developed in response to a European Citizens’ Initiative on pesticides and the findings of the review of the General Food Law Regulation that was completed in January 2018.

Among other things, the new regulation:

  • Allows citizens access to scientific studies and information submitted to EFSA by industry early in the process of risk assessment.
  • Embeds public consultations in the process for assessing applications for approval of regulated products.
  • Ensures that EFSA is notified of all commissioned studies in a particular area to guarantee that companies applying for authorisations submit all relevant information.
  • Gives the European Commission the option of asking EFSA to procure additional studies.

Further down the line, the regulation will also transform the way EFSA is governed by adding Member State representatives to its Management Board. Work is also under way to make assessment and management of risks in the food chain more accessible to EU citizens by improving communication and engagement tools and practices.

25 Masrch 2021/ EFSA/ European Union.

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