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EFSA proposes new welfare measures during transport

EFSA recommends more space, lower temperatures, and shorter distances.

Recommended space and temperatures per animal. Source: EFSA.

Recommended space and temperatures per animal. Source: EFSA.

9 September 2022

Providing more space, lowering maximum temperatures, and keeping journey times to a minimum are all needed to improve the welfare of farmed animals during transport, according to recommendations published by EFSA.

The scientific opinions cover small ruminants (sheep and goats), equids (horses and donkeys), bovines (cattle and calves), pigs, and animals transported in containers, including domestic birds (chickens, laying hens, turkeys etc.) and rabbits. They identify the various welfare consequences that animals may experience during different stages of transportation, the hazards potentially causing them, and the animal-based measures (ABMs) by which they can be assessed. For all species, being fit for transport is of the utmost importance.

EFSA has developed quantitative thresholds for the temperatures that should be maintained in a vehicle as well as minimum space allowances for the animals. EFSA also describes the development or progression of various other welfare consequences over time during transport, such as hunger, thirst, and fatigue.

September 7, 2022/ EFSA/ European Union.

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