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Embrapa offers new tool for estimating pig production costs

Its application for estimating agricultural costs requires the involvement of producers, public and private technical assistance professionals, and associations representing the different links in production chains.

9 July 2024

Embrapa Swine and Poultry has made two spreadsheet forms for estimating production costs for pigs and broilers available free of charge as of July 1. These tools were developed specifically to generate estimates in panels with experts or focus groups.

The forms make it possible to estimate costs for six production systems in pig farming (farrow to finish, weaned piglets, piglets up to the nursery stage, fattening piglets in nurseries, finishing pigs, and weaning-finishing pigs). They also make it possible to estimate the costs for three different regions with different production systems, as well as to calculate the weighted average cost for the different regions and production systems characterized by the participants in the panel meeting.

July 4, 2024/ EMBRAPA/ Brazil.

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