In 2018 pigmeat production is expected to rise, following the increase in the breeding herd, but only by 0.8 % as prices will be under pressure due to high availabilities and strong competition on export markets. Sustained price pressure and cyclical phenomena may result in a slightly lower production in 2019.
After the record level of 2016, EU pigmeat exports decreased to 2.6 million t in 2017, a fall of 9 % in volume, but just 2 % in value thanks to higher prices. In 2018 EU exports will be under pressure due to the lower prices and expected production increases in its main competitors in the world market (the US and Canada), but also in Brazil, particularly if the Russian ban on Brazilian exports is maintained. Nevertheless, EU exports are expected to rise by 2.5 % in 2018 following the growth in supply.
EU consumption of pigmeat remained at 32.2 kg per capita in 2017 (retail weight), but a slight increase (+0.4 % to 32.3 kg per capita) is expected in 2018 as production increases and more pigmeat is available on the EU market.
Thursday April 5, 2018/ DG for Agriculture and Rural Development/ European Union.