In the EU, production of cereals is affected by dry weather conditions in several regions. As a result, the forecast for EU production of cereals is lower than expected. Total EU cereal production is expected to reach 286.4 million tonnes, 2.5% lower than the season of 2021/22. Soft wheat production is forecast at 125.0 million t ( 3.9%), barley at 52.2 million t (+0.4%) and maize at 72.1 million t ( 1.4%).
Given the high feed cost and expected lower EU meat and milk production, the demand for animal feed is forecast to decrease by 1.3% in 2022/23 to 158.8 million t. The demand for cereals to produce biofuels is expected to decrease by 3%.

EU exports of cereals are expected to increase by 14% compared to 2021/22, partially offsetting the reduction in global exports being caused by the blockage of Ukrainian sea ports and export restrictions that have been put in place by some exporters.
EU oilseed areas for the 2022/23 harvest have increased substantially (7.5% year on year) due to high prices and the temporary derogation to allow the sowing of crops on fallow land. In particular, sunflower plantings increased the most due to their low water and fertilisation requirements. EU oilseed production is forecast at 32.1 million t (+7.8% / 5 year average), including a record 11.1 million t of sunflower seed, allowing to compensate for the loss of supplies from Ukraine.
July 7, 2022/ European Commission/ European Union.