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European Union: agreement on a general approach on a proposal for a regulation on organic farming

The agreement on organic production and labelling of organic products will make it possible to launch negotiations between the Parliament and the Council.

17 June 2015

The proposal is aimed at revising the existing legislation on organic production and labelling of organic products so as to remove obstacles to the development of organic production in the EU, guarantee fair competition for farmers and operators and improve consumer confidence in organic products.

A general approach is a political agreement on the position of the Council on a proposal for a regulation. The agreement on organic production and labelling of organic products will make it possible to launch negotiations between the Parliament and the Council with a view to reaching a political agreement between the EU institutions. In the Parliament, the vote on the report presented by the rapporteur is expected to take place in mid-July or mid-September 2015 in the Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development.

Tuesday june 16, 2015/ Consilium/ European Union.

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