The monthly exports particularly increased for Russia (+86 million), China (+77 million), the USA (+58 million) and Korea (+55 million).
For the 12-months period covering March 2016 to February 2017, EU agri-food exports reached a value of €132.2 billion, corresponding to an increase by 2.2% in value terms compared to the same period one year ago.

Among all products, wine and pigmeat were the biggest winners in monthly export values, while wheat and other cereals further reduced in value terms. Analysing the EU export performance per product category over the last twelve months, export values reflect in particular the recovery in pig meat exports (EUR +1.35 billion; +33% compared to export values in the 12-months period one year ago), meat offal, other meat and fat (EUR +556 million; +23%), infant food and other preparations of cereals, flour, starch or milk (EUR +461 million; +7%) wine (EUR +436 million; +4%), and olive oil (EUR +352 million; +15%). Similar to the development recorded for previous periods, other cereals (EUR -1.0 billion; -36%), raw hides and skins (EUR -921 million; -36%), wheat (EUR -857 million; -14%) and milk powders (EUR -508 million; -12%) lost most in export values over the last 12 months.
Monthly values for EU agri-food imports also increased in February 2017 compared to the year before (+1.5%) which means that the trade balance remains stable compared to February last year at €19 billion. Imports from Brazil and Indonesia increased most, while imports from Argentina and the USA went down most. Mayor increases were seen in soybeans, other oilseeds and coffee, while imports in oilcakes went down.
Friday April 28, 2017/ DG Agricuture and Rural Development/ European Union.