In 2018, the European Commission, together with Europol, decided to launch a targeted action on organics in the framework of the OPSON VIII operation. The aim of this operation was to protect the reputation of the EU organic logo, and guarantee the confidence European consumers rightly have in it. It is important to stress that organic fraud does not present food safety risks and, if discovered, products that are non-compliant with the organic rules are downgraded and sold as conventional ones.
The action aimed to identify vulnerable points within the supply chain and focused on complex international supply chains. It also investigated suspicions of fraud, targeted false certification, concentrated on food and feed in significant quantities, mostly imported and destined for redistribution under the EU organic label.

As a result of the action, a number of administrative and criminal proceedings were initiated, products were seized, people were arrested and operators sanctioned. Investigations are still ongoing and further results can be expected in the coming months.
A growing demand for organic products over the last few years as well as a rapidly increasing share of organic production and retail sale in the EU creates increasing risks and challenges for the integrity of the organic food supply chain.
Friday June 21, 2019/ DG Agri/ European Union.