EU compound feed production (EU27) for farmed animals in 2022 is estimated to decrease by 5 Mio tonnes to a level of 145 Mio t. compare to the 2021 level of 150mio t. (decrease of 3.5% y/y).
Only feed manufacturers in the Baltics, Ireland, Poland, Bulgaria and Slovenia are expected to keep feed production at a similar level to the last year. At the EU level, all of the major feed sectors will face a reduction.

The pig feed sector is likely to be the most affected. The production is estimated to decrease by – 5,6% compared to 2021 following the reductions in herd size / the number of sows or farmers leaving the business in some MS. This is mainly due to increased production costs and animal health issues such as African swine fever (ASF). The situation is especially critical in Belgium (-11%), Denmark (-9%), Portugal (-8.4%), Germany (-8%), & Czech republic (-7,4%). The Netherlands and Belgium continue to depopulate their pig herds to reduce agricultural environmental emissions. Romania & Poland are being very much impacted by ASF.
October 28, 2022/ FEFAC/ European Union.