The main market drivers for 2024 include economic uncertainty, regulatory changes, and ongoing environmental and animal welfare policies. These factors will continue to shape production dynamics across the EU, with varied impacts on different animal feed sectors. Based on data collected by FEFAC, industrial compound feed production within the EU27 is expected to decrease in 2024 by 0.3 % compared to 2023, to 147 million tons.
The pig feed sector will face continued challenges with a projected production of 47.4 million tons, which means a drop of between 1-2% in 2024. Factors such as a decrease in the number of pigs and economic and disease pressures on farmers, including African swine fever (ASF), will continue to adversely impact production. However, Ireland and Poland expect a modest recovery (+3% & 2.7%) in pig numbers, contributing to a slowdown of the decrease of the sector’s output. Other countries like Germany, Belgium and The Netherlands refer to continued political pressure to reduce farm emissions or the scale of animal husbandry, resulting in a high level of uncertainty for the sector’s outlook.

May 30, 2024/ FEFAC/ European Union.