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EU: contingency plan to ensure food supply and security in times of crisis

Building on the lessons learned from the COVID-19 pandemic and other recent events, the Commission plans to develop a set of procedures to be followed in times of crisis.

17 December 2020

The ‘farm to fork’ strategy includes the development of a contingency plan to ensure the EU’s food supply and food security in the event of future crises.

Building on the lessons learned from the COVID-19 pandemic and other recent events, the Commission plans to develop a set of procedures to be followed in times of crisis.

This includes establishing an EU crisis response mechanism to effectively prepare and respond to critical events that could threaten the EU’s food security.

The Commission would like to hear your views

This roadmap is open for feedback for 5 weeks. Feedback will be taken into account for further development and fine tuning of the initiative. The Commission will summarise the input received in a synopsis report explaining how the input will be taken on board and, if applicable, why certain suggestions can't be taken up. Feedback received will be published on this site and therefore must adhere to the feedback rules.

Feedback period

04 December 2020 - 13 January 2021 (midnight Brussels time)

Access to the initiative at the following link:

December 4, 2020/ European Commission/ European Union.

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