April 29 was the deadline for applying for private storage aid for pigmeat. According to Commission data, between March 25 and April 29, 17 EU member states applied for aid for a total of 47,541 tons, most of them for 60-day storage (27,695 t, 58%), followed by 90 days (12,742, 27%), 150 days (5039 t, 11%) and finally 120 days (2065 t, 4%).
62% of the aid has been for the storage of parts belonging to Category 3 (0203 19 55, legs, shoulders, foreends, loins with or without the neck-end, or neck-ends separately, loins with or without the chump, boned) followed by Category 5 (0203 19 55, bellies, whole or trimmed by rectangular cut, without rind and ribs) with 15% of the applications.

By member states, the Netherlands has requested the largest amount of aid for a total of 12,512 t (26%), followed by Denmark with 9,935 t (21%) and in third and fourth place Spain with 7,724 t (16%) and Germany with 7,380 t (16%).
May 9, 2022/ 333 Staff