
EU - European Commission welcomes European Parliament's vote on Animal Feed Regulation

Today the European Parliament adopted in first reading a Regulation to replace the current legislation on marketing and use of feed, both for farm animals and pets, based on a Commission proposal dating back less than one year. The new legislation considerably simplifies the existing procedures and improves the information farmers and pet owners will get on the feed they buy for their animals. It will help to promote innovation and competitiveness in the European feed sector and lead to a more integrated single market for feed by reducing the administrative burden for feed operators.
5 February 2009
Today the European Parliament adopted in first reading a Regulation to replace the current legislation on marketing and use of feed, both for farm animals and pets, based on a Commission proposal dating back less than one year. The new legislation considerably simplifies the existing procedures and improves the information farmers and pet owners will get on the feed they buy for their animals. It will help to promote innovation and competitiveness in the European feed sector and lead to a more integrated single market for feed by reducing the administrative burden for feed operators.


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