The European Commission has just published the COMMISSION DELEGATED REGULATION (EU) 2016/1613 of 8 September 2016 providing for exceptional adjustment aid to milk producers and farmers in other livestock sectors.
Union aid of a total amount of EUR 350 000 000 shall be available to Member States to provide exceptional adjustment aid to milk producers and/or to farmers in the beef and veal, pigmeat and sheepmeat and goatmeat sectors.

The measures taken by the Member States shall support milk producers and/or farmers in other livestock sectors who engage in one or more of the following activities that aim at fostering the economic sustainability of their holdings and that contribute to market stabilisation:
(a) production reduction beyond that covered by Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2016/1612 or not increasing production;
(b) small-scale farming; (c) the application of extensive production methods;
(d) the application of environmental and climate friendly production methods;
(e) the implementation of cooperation projects;
(f) the implementation of quality schemes or projects aiming at promoting quality and value added;
(g) training in financial instruments and risk management tools.
Friday September 9, 2016/ OJEU/ European Union.