With a view to preventing the spread of African swine fever and in order to prevent any further disturbance of trade within Poland and abroad, Poland adopted on 26 February 2014 some additional preventive measures in that infected area. As a consequence, the marketing of fresh pigmeat and pigmeat products from that infected area is subject to particular surveillance measures, to an obligatory labelling with a special health mark and to the application of some marketing restrictions within the single market. This restrictions imply an important price reduction in the affected areas and are causing disruption of the pigmeat market in those areas.
Therefore, on 5 March 2014 Poland requested the Commission to introduce exceptional market support measures.

According to the European Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 324/2014 of 28 March 2014 adopting exceptional support measures for the pigmeat market in Poland, the measures provided for in this Regulation should cover the animals delivered as from 26 February 2014. Producers of pigmeat may apply for the aid in respect of animals slaughtered from 26 February 2014 until 25 May 2014. The aid is expressed as an amount EUR 35,7 per 100 kilograms of carcass weight recorded for the animals delivered. The Commission may adapt this amount to take into account market developments. The aid for animals with a carcasses weight of more than 100 kilograms shall not exceed the amount of the aid fixed in paragraph 2 for pigs with a carcasses weight of 100 kilograms. Fifty per cent of the expenditure for the aid, covering a maximum total of 20 000 tonnes of pig carcasses, shall be financed by the Union budget.
Saturday March 29, 2014/ OJEU/ European Union.