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EU expects higher cereal and oilseed crop this year

According to Copa-Cogeca, after the complicated situations experienced in 2020 across Europe, a more optimistic 2021 harvest is expected in the EU, with a total of 292.45 and 30 million tons of cereals and oilseeds, respectively.

21 July 2021

The total cereal harvest in the EU-27 is expected to be 292.45 million tons, or 3.8% above the five-year average. For oilseeds, EU production could reach 30 million t, or 1.6% above the five-year average.

A 1.6% increase (equivalent to 292.45 million t) in the EU-27 cereal crop is forecast, as a result of a larger planted area (+0.7%, 52.10 million ha). Better yields than in 2020 are forecasted. The wheat harvest will be delayed by more than a week due to low temperatures during the spring and excess moisture over the past few weeks, which has slowed crop development. The soft wheat crop, meanwhile, could reach 130 million t (+7%), while a decline in spring cereal production is expected (-5.4% in barley, -4.9% in oats, -4% in rye, and -0.8% in corn), as a result of a smaller planted area, but an increase in the total wheat area (+4.7%) is expected.

The oilseed crop is forecast to be 8.9% larger (30.12 million tons), despite a 1.3% reduction in planted area. However, it remains to be seen whether the prospects for improved yields will be realized. According to estimates, rapeseed production could reach 16.75 million tons (+2.7%); sunflower production could grow considerably to over 10 million tons (+17.4%); and soybean production would add almost 3 million tons (+20.2%).

July 5, 2021/ COPA-COGECA/ European Union.

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