The Commission has adopted a proposal designed to apply new rules with regard to the publication of information on the beneficiaries of European agricultural funds. This legislative review has been prompted by a 2010 judgment of the Court of Justice of the European Union (ECJ) which invalidated part of Commission Regulation (EC) 259/2008, particularly as regards the publication of information on individual beneficiaries of the agricultural funds.
The proposal takes into account the legal constraints inherent to the protection of personal data by setting certain limits upon the publication of individual names and by asking Member States to publish more detailed information, particularly on the type of aid and the description of the measures for which the funds have been allocated.

The new rules adopted today by the Commission take the Court's objections into account and differ from those the Court had invalidated in that:
- they are based on a detailed, revised justification, centred on the need for public control over the use of European agricultural funds, with the aim of protecting the Union’s financial interests;
- they require more detailed information to be supplied on the type of aid and the description of the measures for which the funds have been allocated;
- they include a de minimis threshold below which the name of the beneficiary shall not be published.
Tuesday September 25, 2012/ European Commission/ European Union.