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EU grain and oilseed production could increase in 2023/24

Despite the expected drop in EU cereal area and reduced yield growth, EU cereal production is due to be higher this year.

20 July 2023

EU cereal and oilseed production could increase in 2023/24, by 5% and 8% respectively. EU exports of cereals could continue to grow, by about 6% while EU imports of cereals, particularly from Ukraine, are expected to decline by 35% from a historically high level observed in 2022/23. This is due to ongoing work to improve the logistical chains and infrastructures for Ukrainian imports but also to a higher EU domestic production. In particular, lower imports are
expected for soft wheat (-57%), maize (-33%), and barley (-25%), while imports of durum wheat could increase (+30%).

A similar trend is expected for imports or rapeseed and sunflower seeds. Compared to historically high levels of imports in 2022/23, rapeseed and sunflower imports are expected to almost return to pre-2022 levels in 2023/24, and even increase for soya beans. At the same time, EU exports could remain relatively stable. The EU production of oilseed meals is expected to increase with respect 2022/23 by 2.2%, limited by a decline in rapeseed meals (-5%). Exports might improve (9%), especially of soya meals (34%), whereas imports of oilseed meals are expected to decrease slightly, mainly due to reduced rapeseed meals (-33%).

July 14, 2023/ European Commission/ European Union.

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