A Decision to harmonise information to be submitted annually by Member States on inspections carried out to ensure compliance with EU legislation on animal welfare during transport was adopted by the Commission.
Information on where the inspections were carried out; the problems detected; and the actions taken by the Member States to correct the problems identified will need be included in the information that Member States provide the Commission.

Yesterday's Decision follows a recent Commission report , on the same subject, which concluded that receiving this information in a uniform way will provide a clearer overview of the situation in the EU and will provide a better basis to analyse and plan specific corrective measures at EU level. This new EU reporting scheme will also contribute to improve the enforcement of animal welfare legislation that is a matter of priority as highlighted in the EU animal welfare strategy 2012-2015 . It also forms part of a series of initiatives promoted by the Commission to ensure the proper enforcement of EU legislation to protect the welfare of the animals during transport.
An international conference dedicated to the same topic is being organised together with the Irish Presidency and with the support of the European Livestock and Meat Trading Union (UECBV). The Conference will be held on 29 May in Dublin.
Thursday April 18, 2013/ European Commission/ European Union.