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EU: how to avoid tail docking

Tail biting is a sign of stress, and it is normally caused by environmental factors and due to inappropriate management practices regarding several factors.

28 November 2017

The European Commission has published a series of file cards and several videos regarding how to reduce the need for tail docking. The file cards, published in several languages, cover six well-known factors that have an influence in the appearance of tail biting, and they offer advice on how to avoid it or prevent it. The videos show case studies of the rearing of pigs with intact tails.

To reduce tail biting and avoid tail docking practices, the following key factors should be optimised:

  • Environmental enrichment materials
  • Thermal welfare, air and light quality
  • Health and welfare
  • Rivalry
  • Feeding
  • Arrangement and cleaning of the enclosures

You can find the file cards and the videos in the following link:

Cutting the need for tail docking - leaflet

Tuesday, November 28th, 2017/ DG Sante/ European Union.

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