The data of the Management Committee of the Common Agricultural Markets Organisation, that gathered last 22 May, show an important decrease in the EU pig meat exports, which reached 654,067 tonnes during the first trimester of this year: 9.1% less than with respect to the same period in 2013. China, Hong Kong and Japan are the main destinations of the European pig meat, representing 26%, 14.4% and 10.5% of the total exported pig meat, respectively. We must highlight the important drop in the exports to Russia after the embargo (they have dropped by 71% with respect to 2013) and the increase in the exports to South Korea (+91%) and The Philippines (+69%).
Imports follow their downward trend, with a decrease by 5.7% with respect to the same period in 2013, reaching 8,602 tonnes. Switzerland still is the main supplier, with 51% of the total amount, although there has been a drop by 6%, followed by Serbia, with 12% of the total imports and an increase by 73%. Chile is the third supplier of pig meat (9%), followed by Norway (8%) and US (4%). We must highlight that the imports of pig meat from US have suffered a drop by 26% with respect to the first trimester of 2013.

Thursday May 22, 2014/ PVE/ Netherlands.