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Europe's continually growing dependence on pork exports to China

China already accounts for 62.3% of total exports of pork and pork products from the EU.

2 December 2020

European exports to China of pork products during the first 9 months of this year total 2,429,711 tons, representing 62.3% of total pork products exported by the EU and an increase of almost 65% over the same period last year. Exports to China from January to September already exceed the value of exports of all 2019 (2,419,030 t).

Evolution of European exports of pork products to China. (Source: 333 from DG Agri data).

Evolution of European exports of pork products to China. (Source: 333 from DG Agri data).

Taking into account all destinations, during these first nine months the EU has already exported a total of 3,901,118 t, 20.2% more than in the same period last year. Trailing behind China is Japan with 275,151 t (7.1% of the total), followed by Hong Kong (166,550 t), South Korea (150,015 t) and the Philippines (104,769 t). These values show Europe's high dependence on exports to China.

Top destinations for European pork exports (Jan-Sept 2020). (Source: 333 from DG Agri data).

Top destinations for European pork exports (Jan-Sept 2020). (Source: 333 from DG Agri data).

November 30, 2020/ 333 Staff with information from DG Agricultura.

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