The Council took stock of Commission reports regarding the mandatory indication of the country of origin for milk and dairy products and certain types of meat, unprocessed foods and single ingredient products.
Most of the member states welcomed the publication of those reports by the Commission. They pointed out the need for an in-depth analysis of the reports. Some member states supported the principle of this indication in particular for milk and dairy products while others considered that the benefit of providing this additional information to the consumer should be balanced with the cost of the measures for the agri-food sectors concerned.
Regulation 1169/2011 on food information to consumers provides the submission by the Commission to the European Parliament and to the Council of two reports regarding the mandatory indication of the country of origin for:

- types of meat other than beef, swine, sheep, goat and poultry, milk and milk used as an ingredient in dairy products
- unprocessed foods, single ingredient products and ingredients that represent more than 50% of a food
Tuesday June 16, 2015/ Consilium/ European Union.