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EU: Interactive tool to explore antimicrobial resistance data

The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) has just updated the interactive tool for viewing antimicrobial resistance data for 2018.

13 March 2020

This tool shows yearly data in a simplified and easy to understand way, by country, for 2018. Included are the antimicrobial resistance levels, for Salmonella, E. Coli and Campylobacter, obtained from three different sources: in live animals, food and humans.

The digital tool allows a viewer to select their user profile (farmer, health professional, policy maker, etc.) and displays the information accordingly, in an understandable way appropriate for the specific user. The antimicrobial resistance can be sorted by the three microorganisms mentioned, in humans, animals, and food, or by Europen regions, country, or by antibiotic.

March 4, 2020/ AECOSAN/ Spain.

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