The Official Journal of the European Union has published Regulation (EU) 2019/1009, that establishes the provisions on the making available on the market of EU fertilising products.
The new regulation promotes, among other things, the use of recycled or organic materials for fertilising, establishing harmonised conditions on the making available on the market of the fertilisers produced from these materials in all the EU market. If a greater use of recycled nutrients was promoted, this would contribute more to the development of the circular economy and would allow a more efficient use of nutrients in general, while reducing the dependency of the European Union with respect to the nutrients from third countries. Therefore, it is advisable to expand the scope of the harmonisation with the aim of including recycled and organic materials.
On the other hand, the pollutants contained in the fertilisers, such as cadmium, may pose a risk for human, animal or plant health, safety or the environment, because they accumulate in the environment and enter the food chain, and because of this its contents will be limited. In the case of organic fertilisers, the maximum level of cadmium is 1.5 mg/kg of dry matter, and in the case of organic-mineral fertilisers the limit value will be 3 mg/kg of dry matter for fertilisers with a phosphorus (P) content lower than 5% expressed as P2O5 or 60 mg/kg when the contents in P exceeds 5%.
Tuesday, June 25th, 2019/ OJEU/ European Union.