During the first half of 2021, EU27 agri-food trade (exports plus imports) reached a value of €157.1 billion; i.e. 3% more than in January-June 2020. EU27 exports increased by almost 6% compared to the corresponding period in 2020, reaching €95.3 billion.
On a year-over-year basis, for the period January-June 2021, EU27 export values of pig meat increased 10% (+€485 m,) while rapeseed and sunflower oils increased 28% (+€465 m).

EU export values to China increased 36% (+€627 m). In particular, good performance was noted for EU pig meat (+€257 m, +10%) and coarse grains (+€216 m, +190%).
On the other hand, for the first half of 2021, the EU27 export values continued to fall most to the United Kingdom (-446 m, -2%) compared to the same period in 2020. Pig meat export values decreased 24% (-124 m).
September 24, 2021/ European Commission/ European Union.