Acording to BPEX report "Pig Market Weekly", although the overall trend was downwards, there were differing trends in the main member states in the first half of 2014.
Among the larger producers, Poland, Spain and the Netherlands all recorded increased throughputs, with rises of 7%, 2% and 1% respectively. The Polish pig herd has begun to stabilise after a long period of decline but the rise in production is mainly due to increased imports of weaners. The live trade also impacted on Dutch figures, with more pigs slaughtered at home rather than being exported to Germany. This contributed to a 2% fall in German slaughterings in the first half of the year and the growing weaner export trade was also largely responsible for a 3% drop in Danish throughputs. During the six months, France killed 1% fewer pigs than in the first half of 2014, while the Belgian kill was down 2%.

Thursday September 18, 2014/ BPEX/ United Kingdom.