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EU: Pigmeat production in March 2020 up from last year

Figures suggest that the production of pigmeat in the EU was not immediately affected by the containment measures for the COVID-19 pandemic.

Source: Eurostat (apro_mt_pwgtm)
Source: Eurostat (apro_mt_pwgtm)
7 July 2020

In March 2020, EU slaughterhouses produced 2.0 million tonnes of pigmeat (in carcass weight) and 0.6 million tonnes of bovine meat. Compared to March 2019, these latest monthly figures represent an increase of +3.3% in the production of pigmeat and a small decline of -0.4% in bovine meat.

These figures suggest that the production of these meats in the EU was not immediately affected by the containment measures for the COVID-19 pandemic that began to be enforced during the course of March 2020.

The EU figures reflect the developments in each of the Member States. Pigmeat production in March 2020 was higher than March 2019 in a number of key producing Member States; these included Spain (+12.7%), Netherlands (+6.1%), Germany (+3.9%), France (+1.4%) and Poland (+1.3%).

Detailed data

To compare pigmeat production data by country and year, visit 333's interactive graph.

For other pig production data see the 333 Pig Production Data page where you can find slaughter numbers and trade data.

Also visit the 333 Pig Prices page. Click on a country to view an interactive chart where you can compare prices across countries, currencies, and years.

June 16, 2020/ Eurostat/ European Union.

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