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EU political agreement on geographical indications

The political agreement on geographical indications strengthens the protection of quality food and improves producer rewards and the EU's food leadership.

26 October 2023

The political agreement reached under the Spanish Presidency of the Council of the European Union (EU) in the trilogue (European Parliament, European Commission, and Council) on the proposal for the new regulation on geographical indications will provide a single, modernized legal framework for the quality designations of EU agri-food products.

The differentiated quality figures allow production to increase in value since it has great economic and social relevance in the producing rural areas, as an engine of development and differential identity. The products covered by these seals are characterized by their quality, linked to their production process, geographical origin, and tradition.

There are currently 3,626 quality indications recognized in the European Union, among the three existing figures: Protected Designation of Origin (PDO), Protected Geographical Indication (PGI), and Traditional Specialty Guaranteed (TSG). Total production is estimated to exceed 80 billion euros, with an export value of 18 billion. PDO and PGI products are covered by the trade agreements signed by the EU with third countries, which cannot use these designations on any type of their own products.

Spain is the Member State with the third largest number of recognized geographical indications at 372, including PDOs and PGIs, behind Italy and France. As for TSGs, which identify traditional forms of production, not geographical areas, Spain has 4 recognitions, behind Poland (11), and Bulgaria (7). The value at the origin of Spanish productions with quality designation totaled 6.9 billion euros in 2022, of which more than 4.3 billion euros correspond to wines.

The new regulation:

  • extends the scope of application of the previous one and brings together in a single standard the regulation of the various existing quality figures
  • unifies the administrative procedures and legal protection of the three forms of quality of geographical indications: agri-food products, wines, and spirits
  • for the first time, protection is extended not only to the online market but also to internet domain names, which is essential to ensure the reputation of geographical indications
  • for the first time, the regulation introduces the possibility of making reference to the sustainability of the products covered in the specifications of geographical indications. Thus, producer groups may agree to introduce requirements based on the application of more sustainable practices of an environmental, social, economic, or animal welfare nature.
  • offers guarantees for the use of ingredients protected by a quality designation in the preparation of processed or packaged products. The aim is to avoid possible abuses in the use of names of a geographical indication if ingredients are used in quantities that are not sufficient to confer their characteristics on the final product
  • for the first time, a processed food may incorporate the mention of a geographical indication on the label of its packaging, as well as on its advertising material
  • the Traditional Specialty Guaranteed (TSG) incorporates the figure of Producer Groups and assimilates administrative procedures and the official control system

October 24, 2023/ MAPA/ Spain.

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