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European pork exports fall to 10-year lows

In 2023, the EU exported 4.21 million tons of pork and pork products, a value similar to that of 2013, with 4.26 million tons.

6 March 2024

According to European Commission data, last year the EU exported a total of 4.21 million tons (carcass weight) of pork and pork products. This represents a 19% decrease compared to 2022 and is a similar volume to 10 years ago in 2013 when 4.26 million t were exported. The record values from 2020, with 6.34 million tons exported, are now a thing of the past.

Evolution of pork and pork product exports from the EU to its main destinations over the last 10 years. Source: 333 based on data from DG Agri.

Evolution of pork and pork product exports from the EU to its main destinations over the last 10 years. Source: 333 based on data from DG Agri.

In 2023, decreases in exports to all destinations, except for the United Kingdom (+7%), can be observed, with notable decreases of 25% and 32% to China and the Philippines. China has gone from having a 30% share of total EU exports in 2022 to 27% in 2023. In 2020, its share peaked at 52% and was the cause of the increase in European exports in 2019 and 2020. In contrast, the UK's share has risen from 16% in 2022 to 21% in 2023.

Looking at monthly exports, every month of last year was below the values from 2022 and also below the average from the last 5 years, as shown in the following graph:

EU monthly exports of pork and pork products (2022, 2023, and average for the last 5 years). Source: 333 based on data from DG Agri.

EU monthly exports of pork and pork products (2022, 2023, and average for the last 5 years). Source: 333 based on data from DG Agri.

March 6, 2024/ 333 Staff with data from DG Agri.

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