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European Union: progress towards compliance with the new sow welfare regulation

According to latest figures on member states’ readiness for the EU sow stall ban, most member states are not yet adapted to the new animal welfare legislation.

7 January 2013

According to latest figures on member states’ readiness for the EU sow stall ban, most member states are not yet adapted to the new animal welfare legislation. In fact only five fulfilled the rules 100%: Austria, Estonia, Luxembourg, Sweden and the UK.

90%: Bulgaria, Romania, Lithuania, Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary.

70-90%: Denmark (85%), Greece (83%), Latvia (82%), Poland (80%), Malta (75%), Finland (73%), Slovenia (72%) and Spain (70 %).

Less than 70%: Italy (69%), Netherlands (63%), Cyprus (48%), Ireland (57%), Germany (48%), Portugal (63%), Belgium (45%), and France (33%).

Progress towards compliance

welfare law compliance

Source BPEX

BPEX - Countdownto1-1-13/ United Kingdom.
December 20, 2012/ Farmers Guardian/ United Kingdom.

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