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EU: Project to encourage and understand smart farming acceptance

The project will assess the acceptance and applicability of information and communication technology (ICT) based tools in pig and poultry farming.

22 December 2021

The ICT-AGRI-FOOD funded EU project "Enhancing environmental sustainability of livestock farms by removing barriers for adopting ICT technologies (LivestockSense)” will assess the acceptance and applicability of information and communication technology (ICT) based tools in pig and poultry farming.

Farmers will be approached to provide information about their experiences of adapting Smart Technologies on livestock farms which will give better insight and will provide a roadmap for how to enhance the integration of new technologies in livestock farming. Surveys will be initiated in Hungary, Estonia, Denmark, Israel, Poland, and Sweden. This will also help make user-friendly Smart precision livestock farming tools in the future that will match more closely the expectations of end-users.

A number of farms in the partner countries will be selected to be provided sensors and special cameras which are able to monitor the environmental condition of livestock buildings and the bodyweight of the animals.

July 12, 2021/ LivestockSense/ European Union.

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