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EU: Record high pork exports due to demand in China

EU agri-food exports are booming, driven by rising pork exports.

17 January 2020

Monthly records

The latest monthly report on EU agri-food trade shows EU agri-food export values for October 2019 to be 14.7 billion euros, 12% more than in October 2018.

As a result, the monthly surplus of the EU agri-food trade reached 4 billion euros. The EU surplus, exports and total agri-food trade figures in October 2019 were the highest monthly values on record.

By far the largest increase in the monthly export value (October 2019 compared to October 2018, million euros) was recorded in China (+655, + 59%). Exports to Turkey (+108, + 49%), the Russian Federation (+96, + 15%), Morocco (+83, + 71%), Egypt (+59, + 42%) and Ukraine (+58, + 30%) also grew significantly, while exports decreased to Hong Kong (-45, -13%) especially, and Algeria (-43, -19%).

In terms of product categories, the increase in exports was mainly due to pork (+375, +82%), wheat (+171, + 60%), offal (+85, + 34%) and powdered milk (+64, + 18%).

Pork sees the largest annual increase

For the 12 month period from November 2018 to October 2019, EU agri-food exports totaled 148.6 billion euros, a new record representing an increase of 8% in comparison with the previous same period (+11 billion euros).

In terms of products, pork saw the highest annual growth (+1.37, +28%) (in billions of euros, %change from 2017-18) as demand from China continued to grow.

The main export destinations for the period Nov 2018 - Oct 19 (in billions of Euros) were the USA. (24.3), China (14.0), Switzerland (8.5), Japan (7.6) and Russia (7.1). Significant increases in annual values (in billions of euros, % change from 2017-18) were achieved in agri-food exports to China (+2.8, +25 %), the USA (+1.3, +1.3, +1.3, +1.3) and the UK (+1.3, +1.4, +1.5). (+2.2, + 10%), Japan (+ 1.0, + 15%), Russia (+0.48, + 7%) and Egypt (+0.46, + 31%).

Thursday, January 9, 2020/ DG AGRI/ European Union.

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