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One health: Commission welcomes Member States' support to designate antimicrobials reserved for humans

The sale of veterinary medicinal products containing these antimicrobials will be prohibited.

5 July 2022

Member States have given their support to the establishment of a list designating antimicrobials to be reserved exclusively for treating certain infections in people. This means that these antimicrobials cannot be used in animals under any circumstances. The sale of veterinary medicinal products containing these antimicrobials will be prohibited. Through this measure, the EU preserves the efficacy of antimicrobials that are of paramount importance for human health.

The antimicrobials listed in this legal act were designated on the basis of scientific advice provided by the European Medicines Agency (EMA), in collaboration with experts from EU Member States, from the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) and the EU Food Safety Authority (EFSA). More than 30 scientists, including microbiologists, veterinarians and medical doctors with expertise in infectious diseases, contributed to this scientific assessment

The Commission will formally adopt the list in the coming weeks. The list starts to apply 6 months after its publication, which is expected to take place over the summer.

July 4, 2022/ EC/ European Union.

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