The Council discussed the issue of animal welfare, focusing on the results of the recent Eurobarometer public opinion survey on animal welfare and on the establishment of the EU platform on animal welfare. Such EU platform on animal welfare would consist of representatives of member states and stakeholders, and focus on exchange of information and best practices, as well as on improving the implementation of existing legislation.
Ministers gave their views on the topics that this platform should address and stressed the importance of prioritising the implementation and enforcement of existing legislation. Though some concerns were raised, member states broadly supported the establishment of the platform and welcomed the Commission intention to proceed with it.
Martijn van Dam, Dutch minister for agriculture and President of the Council, said:
"Animal welfare is a matter of concern for the European Commission, Member States and consumers and society as a whole. I am happy to hear that the European Commission is taking this seriously by establishing the platform, so existing problematic issues in this domain can be addressed together with stakeholders and NGOs. In the meantime my colleagues and I will press for a new animal welfare strategy on an EU-level."
Tuesday May 17, 2016/ Consilium/ European Union.